Thursday, January 17, 2013

How to Spend $100 on a Cell Phone Plan a Year with Google Voice

In today's cell phone market, companies are taking advantage of the consumer's addiction to smartphones and overpricing phones and their plans. However you still can enjoy the benefits of having a smart device and use it as a phone for about $100 a year with Google Voice. Here's how:

1. Purchase any unlocked iOS or Android device and a Pay-As-You-Go phone
2. Create/Configure a Google Voice account
3. Download a VoIP/Texting app

1. Purchase any unlocked iOS or Android device and a Pay-As-You-Go phone

The first step is to purchase a smart device. The device can be a phone or tablet as long as its unlocked and able to connect to either Google Play for Android or the App Store for iDevices.

For Android, the Nexus line is a really great option to buy. They all feature the latest firmware and get updates straight from Google as they come out. They are pretty affordable and can easily be suited up with the necessary apps to take full advantage of Google Voice.

As for those Apple users out there, it's going to be difficult to find an unlocked iPhone that is less than $500. Unless you find a good deal, consider purchasing the latest iPod Touch instead. While it's specs aren't on par with the iPhone, they are fairly similar. Both the iPad and iPad Mini could also work if you're looking into the tablet market.

NOTE: Keep in mind that if the smart device you purchase is not a phone, you will not be able to have phone conversations privately. However, you can purchase a bluetooth headset to remedy this problem.

Along with your smart device(s), you want to pick up a Pay-As-You-Go phone as well. TracFone and Net10 have the best values, offering a year's service (with double/triple minutes for life) with at least 1000 minutes for around $100-$150. This phone should be used only when there is no internet connection for your smart device so your minutes on your Pay-As-You-Go phone can be conserved. Activate your phone and move to the next step.

2. Create/Configure a Google Voice account

Now that the devices are purchased, visit to log in with your existing Google account or register for a new one. After logging in, you will have the option to choose a new number to use as a Google Voice number or to use your existing mobile number.

The best option is to choose a new number. With a new number, you have the flexibility to swap phones or carriers because you are no longer at the expense of the phone carrier's service (Tracfone, Net10, or if you stay with your current plan). In contrast, if you use your mobile number, people that are trying to get ahold of you can be rerouted to another device. However, chances are the services would no longer work if you received phone number by switching carriers, so choosing a new number is your safest bet. Once you have done this, you are ready to configure your Pay-As-You-Go phone.

In order to configure your device, click the cog symbol and click settings.

Setting up Google Voice is fairly straightforward. Add the number of your Pay-As-You-Go phone and go through the confirmation process to add it to your account. Once it's added, make sure all the checkmarks on that phone are checked in order to receive all of the calls and texts on that phone.

Text Messages
Now if someone texts your Google Voice number, the texts are forwarded to your Pay-As-You-Go phone. Google forwards texts to you with a different number than the actual contacts number, so it's important to add everyone to you Google Contacts in order to see who is texting you. The messages should look like this if you're phone and contacts are configured correctly:

"Corbin Briske - This is a test message."

Fortunately, replying to a message such as this from Google's generated number will return a message to the contact from your Google Voice number, but you may want to add the generated number for that specific contact into your phone so you can compose a new message without any problems.

Phone calls
If someone calls your Google Voice number, the call is forwarded to your Pay-As-You-Go without a problem. Using the same Google generated numbers, you will be calling them and be seen as calling from your Google Voice number.  To make a call outside of the Google generated numbers, you must call your own Google Voice number and select the option to make a call and then dial the contact's actual number.

3. Download a VoIP/Texting app

Your first download will be Google Voice. While the app has the ability to text for free and call, you will not be able to make free phone calls without an additional app that supports VoIP.  Groove IP or Spare Phone are the most reliable options. Once you've logged into your account within the app, you can simply make a phone call like normal.

Fortunately for iOS users GV Mobile+ is the only app you'll ever need to send text messages and make calls. While the app is 2.99, the Google Voice client does everything including allowing you to send picture messages (Google doesn't support this, but the app generates a link to view) and even multiple account support. Unlike other Google Voice clients, the notifications are always in sync after going through the initial Notification Setup Guide within the app.

Now that all of the steps are completed, you can enjoy the benefits of your smart device without the weight of the phone plan!

Final Thoughts
While Google Voice may not be the perfect solution for you, it is definitely one to consider. It is a solid service that saves quite a bit of money. However, if after reading this article, you are convinced that this isn't the method for you, there are other options out there to save you some money. If you're simply looking for an actual phone plan for an individual user, check out services such as Ting or StraightTalk which both offer some pretty reasonable deals for their services.

Ting is fairly new services that allows the customer to choose their own plan based on how they will be using their phone on a monthly basis. Although you have to pay a pretty steep price for the phones that can be used, the selling point is the user has complete control over what they are paying for. Here is a more in depth explanation of their plan:

StraightTalk is a branch of TracFone which offers three plans. The first is the All You Need plan which includes 1000 minutes, 1000 text/picture messages, and 30MB of web for $30 per month. The second plan is an unlimited plan for $45 a month. The third plan offered is $60 per month for unlimited international. Much like Ting, it's phone prices are pretty steep but if you do the math, the monthly bill is well worth it.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


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